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Great profits with better thinning data

Anton Holmström från Katam blev intervjuad av ATL, ämnet var optimering av gallring med hjälp av bildanalys.

Med bilder från drönaren kan Anton Holmström få fram exakta data om beståndet både före och efter gallring. Data som sen kan användas för att optimera gallringen och göra en uppföljning av resultatet

By Veronica Axelsson, 3 years ago

Katam initiates Vinnova project for inventory of damaged forests with autonomous drones

The project “Inventory of damaged forests with autonomous drones” is included in the new Vinnova investment in solutions for a sustainable and safer society with the help of drones. Katam has, as one of 15 Swedish companies, been approved financing, and will realize the project during the year of 2021. Due to current rate of […]

By Wilhelm Tham, 4 years ago

AI for forestry is widely launched

Katam Technologies today launches its new product, a web portal with AI-based services for interpreting images and films of forest stands. This will optimize management and increase yields in forestry, as well as create climate benefits as more forests provide more bound carbon dioxide. The company is raising SEK 10 million in a new round […]

By Wilhelm Tham, 4 years ago

Katam and pcSKOG bring the forestry plan to life with a new service

The digitalization of forestry provides new and unimaginable opportunities to collect and process data. Now Katam Technologies and pcSKOG have launched a smart service that will help optimize management and yield from the forest. The new service enables forest owners and other actors to, in the field, measure and create precise decision data that are […]

By Wilhelm Tham, 4 years ago

Digital forest measurement

Anton Holmström from Katam visited Skogspodden to demonstrate digital forest measurement with drones. Perfect to do as an evaluation after thinning so that you can make an even better planning and execution of the thinning next time, was Skogspodden’s statement. Read the full post here, in the latest issue of ATL. (in Swedish) Digital skogsmätning

By Wilhelm Tham, 4 years ago

Autonomous drones can measure the forest

“Drones are widely used in forestry and at the Swedish Forest Agency to get an overview of the forest. Now there are also autonomous drones that can measure the forest.”  Read more about Katam in the magazine Skogseko. (Swedish)

By Krister, 4 years ago

The drone keeps track of each tree

Katam’s groundbreaking methods for forest measurement described in the magazine Land Skogsbruk. (Swedish)

By Krister, 4 years ago

Heavy recruitment to newly funded Katam

Malmö-based Katam Technologies receives SEK 3 million and new heavy shareholders. One of them is Bengt-Arne Molin, former CEO of Sony Mobile Communications in Lund, who will take over as chairman of the company. (Article in Swedish)

By Krister, 5 years ago

New drone technology provides tree data

Two articles published in the magazine Tillväxt (Articles in Swedish)

By Krister, 5 years ago

KATAM ™ Forest Pro is launched today!

It is with great pleasure and pride that we today are launching the KATAM ™ Forest Pro on Google Play and on our website. KATAM ™ Forest Pro is a game changer  on the forest market and challenges the old and manual measuring methods that are used today – welcome to the future ! The […]

By Wilhelm Tham, 5 years ago