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Katam awarded at Elmia

Winner of SkogsElmia Innovation Award 2019 Katam Technologies AB – Katam Forest Motivation from the jury: An app for the mobile phone to measure forest. Measurements performed are objective and traceable. As a supplement to KATAM Forest there is KATAM Treetop detection which allows all trees to be detected with position and height based on […]

By Krister, 5 years ago

Katam publishes press releases at SkogsElmia

Katam supplies Swedish technology for precision forestry to Chile Katam and Hushållningssällskapet sign cooperation agreement Katam launches the smartphone app KATAM™ Forest at SkogsElmia

By Krister, 5 years ago

Katam in Land Skogsbruk

New measurement technology makes everyday life easier for forest owners An example is a forestry family that the magazine Land Skogsbruk writes about in its latest issue (20190529).Katam Forest provides fast and accurate data that the forest owner easily transfers to his forest plan. Thereby you always have an updated and current forest plan. Read […]

By Wilhelm Tham, 5 years ago

Katam nominated to SkogsElmia Innovation Award 2019

SkogsElmia Innovation Award is an award whose aim is to lift new and innovative technology in forestry. The products that receive the award are considered to be so interesting that they contribute to the development of forestry. Which grants that are awarded will be revealed on Thursday, June 6, in the Event Tent at SkogsElmia. […]

By Anton Holmström, 5 years ago

KATAM™ Forest Mini

KATAM™ Forest Mini launched today

KATAM™ Forest Mini launched today! It’s with great happiness and pride we today launch KATAM™ Forest Mini on Google Play for the Swedish market. The app is a free version of KATAM™ Forest that provides users with reliable forestry measurements in their smartphones. We started developing the technology in 2016. Several partners and organizations have […]

By Anton Holmström, 5 years ago

Katam signs contract with FMV, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration

Katam signs contract with FMV, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration FMV (The Swedish Defense Material Administration), a governmental agency acting under the Ministry of Defense, contacted Katam with a request to run a pilot study on how our technology can be used in military use.  FM (Swedish Armed Forces) and FMV are building up a […]

By Anton Holmström, 5 years ago

Katam in Rapidus

Sony Mobile veterans launching AI app… … and initiate feasibility studies with Försvarets Materielverk. Katam is the company that now launches a mobile application for AI-based forest analysis. At the same time, the company opens a round of capital to build up a sales organization and is working on scaling up the technology.

By Krister, 5 years ago

KATAM™ Forest Mini evaluted by Skogsforum

First official evaluation of KATAM™ Forest Mini alpha version. Check out the blog post.

By Krister, 5 years ago

Sveriges Radio P4 interviews CEO Krister Tham in Jämtland

A new app that has been developed makes it possible for forest owners to inventory and tax forest with mobile phone.You are filming a larger or a small section of your forest. Based on this video, we produce a 3D model with artificial intelligence and computer vision, says Krister Tham, CEO of the company who […]

By Krister, 5 years ago

Katam utför testmätningar åt Växjö Stift

KATAM utför testmätningar åt Växjö Stift Växjö stift har uppdragit åt KATAM att utföra mätningar i fyra av stiftets rotposter i syfte testa den nya teknikens gränser. Genom att mäta i stiftets rotposter har mätresultaten från KATAM kunnat jämföras med traditionell mätning med klave. KATAM och Växjö stift – Slutrapport KATAM och Växjö stift – […]

By Krister, 6 years ago